The following is an email I received from a reader of Volume
I, who is a published expert in dreams and maintains a blog titled
From: J. DeBord
(email address omitted)
Date: Aug. 13,
What Virgil told
you (The Narrator) about the plan to enslave humanity is true, to my knowledge.
You could call it "neo-feudalism" where debt is used to enslave
people, governments, etc. The plan has been unfolding for centuries but has
really kicked into high gear the last few years. Massive underground citieshave been built in the Ozarks as a hiding place for the elite when everyone
left on the surface kills each other off or dies from toxic exposure, hunger,
etc. I can send you a link to the Ozarks story. The
locations have been found and filmed -- the underground cities are as big or
bigger than places like Dayton. Jesse Ventura did an episode about the Ozarksconspiracy and obtained film footage of the one of the underground bases. The
powers behind the drive to enslave humanity are inter-dimensional. They come
from the two dimensions "below" the 3-D / 4-D reality we know as this
The Silver Woman
doesn't want you to know is you already have the power to keep her at bay.
Laugh at her! She is, when really you think about it, quite ridiculous. I
suggest that you learn how to cast a circle of protection and clear your energy
field, if you haven't already.
So you (The
Narrator) need to find The Warrior. Have you read "King, Magician,Warrior, Lover"? It explains the main archetypes better than anything else
I've read. However, what we're talking about is the embodiment or manifestation
of the archetype as an entity -- elemental magic. Wow. Well, one clue I can
give you is the Warrior's counterpart is the Lover -- you always find them
I have some new
biographical stories up on
You'll find them under recent posts. You might be interested in some of my
formative experiences.
I've been
telling myself lately that I want nothing to do with the madness unfolding in
this time-space. I used to think that I could somehow save humanity, but I
realize now it was my ego driving me that direction, and it was my ego that
cracked under the pressure I placed on myself. A decade of hard drinking
banished those notions. But I think I also proved something to myself by
writing a couple of books and establishing myself as a sort of wise man for the
Indigo generation. I no longer need to prove that I'm "sssssspecial."
lol. I am open to playing some sort of positive role though, but my condition
is that someone way up the chain has to help us. This whole idea of God leaving
us to fight our own battles against inter-dimensional forces makes me sick. If
the Creator doesn't love the Creation enough to intervene, fuck it, you
Those are my
thoughts for now. When is the second book coming out?
PS -- It's a really good book!
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