Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Sliver Woman/Lucid Lucy

The Sliver Woman is a mysterious creature. Have you ever seen her in dream? To me, she usually appears tall, thin woman with features that undulate and move like the lava in a lava lamp. She is liquid, impermanent, able to slide between dreams and appear (almost) anywhere, then evaporate again. Her touch to me has been light, but smoldering, like the tip of a lit cigarette on your thigh. 

Apparently others call her Lucid Lucy. See the account of this lucid dreamer: 

All of that had changed about a year and a half ago when John met “her”. One muggy May night as John lay asleep in his bed he began to dream that he was outdoors at a classic car show. John walked around the car show having a great time looking at all of the cars. At some point a gentleman came up to John, in his dream, and said that he really liked John’s 1949 Ford Bueller. John realized that there is no such thing as a “1949 Ford Bueller.” He noticed the man was wearing a nametag so he leaned over to read it. Sure enough, the letters on the nametag were moving around and he couldn’t make out the name. As has happened so many times before, John realized that he was dreaming and became lucid. Now John was in complete control of this dream.

Later in the dream: 

At this point in John’s dream, the crowd present at the car show to started to act a little strange. He could see there was a commotion in the distance. People were starting to stop and look over in one certain direction, a few were pointing. Then a young man came running past John. Next a scared looking woman ran by. John was confused. A second man sprinted by, as he ran past John he yelled “she’s coming this way!” People started to turn and flee all around.


She was close now. John could feel the icy cold glare of her stare cutting through his very being. Now, for the first time, he was worried. He could only think about getting away from those black, life-sucking eyes. John ran around the side of a car and squatted down. Maybe she wouldn’t see him. Maybe she would pass him by. The air was quiet and still. John sat there contemplating his next move. He looked up nervously through one of the car windows. She was standing just on the other side! From his vantage point he could only see part of her lower half. She had some kind of weird tight fitting skirt with vertical red and white stripes. “What a strange being!” he thought to himself. Then he wondered why he thought of her as a “being” and not a woman. His thoughts were interrupted by something that made him “jump out of his skin,” as he put it. Her long, pale bony hand was reaching straight through the car! It was just about to close around his neck!

Writes the author: 

I’ve gotten similar stories from the handful of lucid dreamers I have interviewed. Always they are haunted by a tall, thin woman with solid black eyes. “Razor Black”,one woman who I’ll call “Susan” told me, if there was such a color. She assured me it was a color she knew all too well these days. Susan said Lucy looks different in every dream. But always tall, always thin, and always those solid black eyes.  

Have you seen her? What did she look like to you? What do you call her?

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